Chiropractic care during pregnancy is essential and much more well known to help have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy, but postpartum chiropractic care is less well known for its importance and benefits. Dr. Elise specializes in both prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care, so let's discuss each and why they are both important for better health.
Let's start with prenatal chiropractic care. At Hamilton Chiropractic, Dr. Elise's goal through prenatal care is to first get you feeling better from the complaint that brought you in, then help you have a healthy pregnancy that leads to your ideal birth. Most patients come in for prenatal chiropractic care because of a certain pain that has started since getting pregnant and isn't getting better. Most are told that these complaints are part of pregnancy and there is nothing you can do about it until baby is birthed, but the majority of those complaints can be improved or resolved with chiropractic care.
Here are some of the top reasons people come to see Dr. Elise for prenatal chiropractic care:

Back pain
Pelvis pain
Pubic symphysis pain
Sciatic pain
Hip pain
Breech presentation
You can see that most of these are related to pain, but chiropractic care is so much more than pain relief. Although, chiropractic is wonderful at helping the above pain symptoms, here are some of the other benefits of prenatal chiropractic care that people are less aware of:
Improved sleep
Decrease in pregnancy waddle
Less reflux or heartburn
Balancing hormones
More energy
Improved mobility
Improved nervous system functioning
Consistent chiropractic care can also lead to a smoother labor and birth. Previous prenatal patients have reported faster labors and births, as well as relatively less pain, and less need for interventions. This is simply because the body is more well prepared to do what it was designed to do without any interference, so it is not overworked, which leads into an easier time healing postpartum. Previous patients who have had consistent prenatal care also report healing was much faster during postpartum, even with subsequent pregnancies.
Now, let's talk about the importance of postpartum chiropractic care. Postpartum care focuses on helping you heal faster from the inside out. It also is focused on helping you move better so you can care for your baby. Here are some of the top reasons people come in for postpartum chiropractic care:
Upper back pain
Low back pain
Mommy thumb/wrist
Nursing difficulties

Again, most of the reasons people come in for postpartum care are for pain, but there are so many more benefits to postpartum chiropractic care. Here are some of those other benefits:
Balancing postpartum hormones
Healing the uterus
Regulating milk supply
Improved sleep
Improved mobility
The initial postpartum time is also known as the fourth trimester, which indicates that it is part of the entire pregnancy journey and the care you get during pregnancy should continue for at least the first 3 months of postpartum.
The major difference between prenatal and postpartum care is that we are helping your body adapt to the changes of growing a baby inside your body and prepare for birth, while during postpartum we are helping your body adapt to carrying baby outside your body and heal. Both are huge adjustments and need the necessary care to aid in the changes. You are one of the lucky ones because now you know that Chiropractic care is a really beneficial way to help manage both stages. If you are looking for more information of chiropractic adjustments for pregnancy, check out this blog. If you'd like more specific information on postpartum chiropractic care, check out this blog. We hope that now you have more information about both that you can get the care during pregnancy AND postpartum to help you achieve your pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum goals.
Dr. Elise is available for any questions or to talk more about prenatal or postpartum chiropractic care. Feel free to use the contact us tab to get in touch!